Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Birthday...Oh Joy

That's exactly what I decided when I woke up on my birthday. I was going to do everything that brought joy to me that day. This did not mean that I was going to just party and have fun, it meant real joy. Let me explain how my day went.

Elliott decided to wake me up at 5 AM, since I couldn't go back to sleep, I got this joyously brilliant idea. I decided to strike out on a walk at 6 AM before my husband went to work. I got to do this on my own and with the Lord; praising God and be still my heart. It was rather amusing that every time I did a small sprint a car happened to come along. Trust me I'm not a hard core jogger I just wanted to get back fast enough.

Before the kids awoke I was able to do my early morning cleaning without interruption. What a joy! I got a load of laundry folded in like 2 minutes flat. This never happens with little "helping" hands. I wanted to complete this so I could just spend time enjoying my children. They are so awesome, but I get caught up in the things I need to get done that I sometimes don't take the time to focus on that. Not this day!

OK the list is kind of long so here is the shortened version. I spent a little time with my husband since it was his birthday too. I did my daily Beth Moore Bible study of Esther; which I am loving right now.  I got some facebook time in, ate yummy raspberry refrigerator oatmeal, Starbucks coffee and fresh watermelon. Oh how I love alone time! I was even able to go back to bed for half an hour before the kids woke up.

I took my birthday money and went to the chiropractor. I finally have full range in my shoulder and a much clearer head. You know you are getting older when you choose something like that to do for fun. For lunch Alice and I got ice cream; cappuccino crunch for me and "spider man" (superman) for Alice. Did a little thrift store shopping, painted our toenails and went to the library. I LOVE books!

When Jeremy got home from work, we went to see my best friend Karen. She bought us supper at Binion's. It was fabulous of her, I always crave time with Karen! We also did bathing suit shopping. Jeremy got me one at TJ Max. The day ended with our ritualistic bedtime routine. Routine makes me feel so safe. I had one of the most joyous days ever. "For each person given one year to live, trust that time is God's alone to give." Beth Moore. I believe it!

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful, Jess.

    Glad you decided on bringing yourself joy. It does make a difference. You inspire me to see the good in everything.

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!
