Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lapbooking Made Simple
Lapbooking Made Simple by Heidi St. John has changed the way I do homeschooling. Heidi St. John has changed the way I view homeschooling in general. Her blog “The Busy Mom” has really been an inspiration to me. She is a Christian homeschool mom, who has written several books, teaches conferences and ministers to families. I have also subscribed to her on Facebook, and her daily insight to being a mom and wife has been a blessing to me.

Lapbooking is something that I am just learning about. Apparently homeschoolers have been doing this for quite some time. The process takes your learning material; turns it into hands on, visual, interactive pieces. Have you seen the science fair boards? They are mini versions of those that will fit in your lap; hence the name, lapbook.

In this book you will be introduced to the topic of lapbooking. She gives helpful hints on where to begin. The different elements are explained and visuals are given. The difference between notebooking and lapbooking is gone over. Heidi also gives you mini-book templates. This step by step book will get you hooked on the process and excited too.

We have started using lapbooks in our homeschool process. I can already see the children are learning even more than they would be if we just read the material and had questions to answer. This is all happening without prompting. They have dug much deeper into the subject matter, used their creative processes, design and even taking care in their handwriting. The last is something I couldn’t get them to do EVER. I am so glad that I have been introduced to this method. I hope this can be a help to your family too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Power to the Group!

Just thinking of the power behind a group compared to what I can do by myself. Glad to be a part of Big Level Baptist Church, they are such an encouragement to me.  It's awesome to gather with a group of believers. The Lord knew what he was doing when He placed me in this area. Included in this bigger group, is a smaller Women’s Group. We have been able to collectively put together a huge number of shoeboxes, do outreach in the community and within our own church. I could never do these things myself but together we have achieved many things for God.  

Also within my church family we have come together as Women once again, to meet for a Bible Study. I certainly would not have been able to purchase the DVD’s of Beth Moore on my own, but as a group we are growing in the Lord. There are many other groups that come up under the church family I am grateful for such as; Sunday School, training union, activities for my children, the list goes on.
I am also thankful to be a part of a fairly new group called Changing Lives Mom’s Group. This is a group for Mom’s to get together, let our children play and learn, as well as have fellowship with other Mom’s. We have had  seminars to help us remember to take care of ourselves, go on outings & just have play dates. This has been another group of Christians friends that I have been blessed to meet.
The local library is another group that has been a blessing to me. It is awesome to have my children be involved in an educational time. Stories, songs, educational games and crafts, have helped my little girls interests grow. I love books so I feel so at home there. There are also other mother’s that attend. While there last week it was neat to realize; I remember when they were pregnant with their son and now he is two.  

Thinking back on groups I have been involved in, in my past. For my college friends there was "The Group." Yes, we were all that mattered! I am so thankful for the groups of friends I have had throughout my life. I am thankful for my group of friends around me now as well as the group of friends I have been able to stay in contact with through Facebook. 

There are a few other groups I am involved in but I think one of the most important is the family group. This group was given to us by God. We can’t pick our family, because God already did for us. He knew what He was doing when He put us where He did. Without our family, we wouldn’t even be born. Think of the strength, love and support you receive from your family. There is power in the group.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Smoothie Ninja

Skinny Orange Dream Smoothie
I have become a smoothie Ninja! This Skinny Orange Dream Smoothie from Lose Weight By Eating is one of my new favorite smoothies. Have you ever had an Orange Julius? This is very similar and incorporates an entire orange. It calls for Almond Milk, but I have been drinking the Unsweetened Almond/Coconut Milk by Blue Diamond lately and I really enjoy it.  There are many types of smoothie makers that seem great and can do the job. I have been blessed to receive a Ninja Master Prep Pro from my Dad, for my birthday. The Ninja that I have is a blender, food processor and a chopper. I use all three pieces in one day. While looking on Google, I found them for a deal at Target. It you are looking for a good smoothie maker and versatile kitchen appliance I really recommend the Ninja. I did see the up up graded one and it made me drool. My friend Karen loves her Bullet and my Dad loves his Vitamix. Find one that works for you and start enjoying whole food, low calorie, smoothies with me.

Ninja Master Prep Pro
Not only have I tried a few wonderful recipes out there but I have been making my own whole food smoothies. My daughter loves them and it is a wonderful way for her to get her daily fruits and veggies. I like to put spinach and carrots in them. If you use dark berries then it masks the other colors and makes it easier for some to drink. We have put blueberries, strawberries, apples, raspberries and cherries in them. It all depends on what I have in the fridge at the time. I have found putting watermelon in it makes it a lot thinner without adding extra liquid. If you want it a little sweeter just add a packet of Truvia.

Blended Mocha Cappuccino by Lose Weight by Eating
While looking for smoothie recipes I came across a really good Blended Mocha Cappuccino recipe. It only has 122 calories compared to the 400 plus you would get at McDonald's. This has been my new favorite thing during the afternoon when my pot of coffee has gone cold. Yes, I love coffee. I've heard both negative and positive things about it. I choose to believe the positive :)

Skinny Green Tropical Smoothie
OK, so everyone is talking about the green smoothie. When I was a kid my Dad used to try to get me to drink something called barely green. That stuff is nasty! So, I have an aversion to drinking thing that are green. I finally found one that sounded delicious. The Skinny Green Tropical Smoothie, it is as good as the ingredients sounded. I have to warn you to either have someone to share it with or be prepared to have it for a meal. It is to good to save.

On a side note: Barely Green now makes a chocolate version that is delicious!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Esther "It's Tough Being A Woman" by Beth Moore

Life Way
This Bible Study by Beth Moore has taught me SO much! Yes, it is "Tough Being A Woman" but God can and will turn each one of those tables around for us. It's trust that turns it around. I love that this book deals with destiny so much. One thing I learned about destiny is: God will not fulfill your destiny without you but He can fulfill His destiny without us.

Did you know that the book of Esther, in the Bible, has the total absence of any reference to God. How weird is that! Since this book is only 10 chapters long, we were able to study almost a chapter a week. It was a wonderful 9 week study. Five days out of the week you have study time. Then, once a week we come together as a group of woman and listened to Beth give a study. She is a wonderful, animated, funny, down to earth speaker.

I have personally never done Bible Studies like these, until I was introduced to Beth in her study of James. I recommend this study of Esther. I haven't found a study of hers I didn't like.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Maintaining Logic: In Mind, Body & Soul

When I first started this blog I wanted to write reviews on books I've read.  That idea has fadded for me. My reading is so much more than a book. It's kind of a lifestyle. For one, I read so much more than just books.  For two, I just can't seem to put down the next book in a series in order to write that review. In the meantime, there are other things that I want to share. These things pertain to what I am cooking or making, spiritual aspects and other things that enrich my life.

I don't want to make this solely a cooking blog, I don't want to make it solely a religious blog and I don't want it to be just about books. So here you go, your going to get the whole Megillah. Food for the mind, body and soul.

Honestly; it takes all those to maintain logic around here. This may seem all over the place to you, but that is who I am. Throw in some ADHD and your in for a good time. :) Now that I have taken away the restraints, I have a lot to catch you up on.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Whole Foods, Whole Series, No Reviews

Wow! I have been entirely addicted to letttuce wraps. They can be made with almost any bean, topped with sesame tahini another cut of veggie and sometimes turkey or tuna, but not always. The sesame tahini found in the ethnic food aisle is what ties it all together. I am in like with that stuff! I also like Blackened Red Fish Magic Seasoning to sprinkle on top.

Another thing I think my friends will find helpful was shared by Karen, a website called They have such yummy food there, that seems realtively easy to make. Karen made the larabars and said they were awesome. I am making the High Protein Energy Bites this evening. They will be great to eat before my early morning walks and swims.

I know I have been promising you some book reviews but I have been reading so much that I haven't been writing. I plan to change all that this week. I will spend time writing reviews on the entire series I couln't put down.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Birthday...Oh Joy

That's exactly what I decided when I woke up on my birthday. I was going to do everything that brought joy to me that day. This did not mean that I was going to just party and have fun, it meant real joy. Let me explain how my day went.

Elliott decided to wake me up at 5 AM, since I couldn't go back to sleep, I got this joyously brilliant idea. I decided to strike out on a walk at 6 AM before my husband went to work. I got to do this on my own and with the Lord; praising God and be still my heart. It was rather amusing that every time I did a small sprint a car happened to come along. Trust me I'm not a hard core jogger I just wanted to get back fast enough.

Before the kids awoke I was able to do my early morning cleaning without interruption. What a joy! I got a load of laundry folded in like 2 minutes flat. This never happens with little "helping" hands. I wanted to complete this so I could just spend time enjoying my children. They are so awesome, but I get caught up in the things I need to get done that I sometimes don't take the time to focus on that. Not this day!

OK the list is kind of long so here is the shortened version. I spent a little time with my husband since it was his birthday too. I did my daily Beth Moore Bible study of Esther; which I am loving right now.  I got some facebook time in, ate yummy raspberry refrigerator oatmeal, Starbucks coffee and fresh watermelon. Oh how I love alone time! I was even able to go back to bed for half an hour before the kids woke up.

I took my birthday money and went to the chiropractor. I finally have full range in my shoulder and a much clearer head. You know you are getting older when you choose something like that to do for fun. For lunch Alice and I got ice cream; cappuccino crunch for me and "spider man" (superman) for Alice. Did a little thrift store shopping, painted our toenails and went to the library. I LOVE books!

When Jeremy got home from work, we went to see my best friend Karen. She bought us supper at Binion's. It was fabulous of her, I always crave time with Karen! We also did bathing suit shopping. Jeremy got me one at TJ Max. The day ended with our ritualistic bedtime routine. Routine makes me feel so safe. I had one of the most joyous days ever. "For each person given one year to live, trust that time is God's alone to give." Beth Moore. I believe it!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Lately I have been so busy with summer fun, a new Bible Study series and Vacation Bible School that I haven't had a lot of time to write or read anything else. I can't even believe so much time has passed since I wrote something last.

 I was able to enjoy Dollywood with my daughter and son, mother-in-law, sister and niece. How awesome that my 3 yr old daughter and 2 yr old niece were able to have their first amusement park experience together. It was a joy to see them have that much fun. I really recommend taking your children to this park. It is a friendly and God centered park. It is beautiful and shaded. Both pleasing to the children and their parents.

Wow on the new Bible study! I am learning so much already about Esther. We are only in week 2 of a 9 week series! I'm learning more about myself and how "
It's tough being a woman" in this world. Also learned that there is a total absence to any reference to God in the entire book. How wierd is that! Maybe I can write a review about it at the end of the 9 weeks.

This year VBS has an amusement park theme which I thought was super cool since we just went to one. It also follows the life of Paul. He is one of my favorite writers in the Bible. The main verse is "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7. This seems to be one I have needed to quote over and over since I have taken on this year of classes. So here goes a week that I am giving to God to take care of; I am feeling very unequipped.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Honest Life: Living Naturally And True To You

Couldn't say it any better than Jessica Alba says in her book The Honest Life: Living Naturally And True To You. "No lectures. No judgement. No guilt. Just tons and tons of useful tips, stylish ideas, and inspiration that you can incorporate- easily and affordably!-to live a healthier, more organized, joyful, and above all, honest life...that's true to you."

Alba shares her philosophies on “Honest” eating, beauty, style, home, parenting and inspiration. There are three navigation guides throughout the book; dishonest ingredient, honest tip and keeping it real. This book is designed to read straight through or jump around from topic to topic. I read it straight through and found that some of the information in home and baby were redundant. However, if you’re a new mom and just read the baby section it’s great or maybe not a parent and just read the home section you would be covered.

There are many topics that we have “heard” information on but are not sure of the truth behind it. I enjoy that she touched on many of those for me in the food and cleaning section. There are great references and websites to ensure food and product safety. I like how within all this helpful information; there is practical, doable advice.

Alba does not encourage us to think beige and white, while thinking organic, natural and eco-friendly.  We are shown how to be true to who we are. Not only are we advised against products in our beauty routine, but are given beauty secrets and hints to keep it simple. We are advised to listen to our own authentic sense of style, instead of trying to copy someone else, or the next big trend.  Alba says, “Now that I’ve had two kids, my idea of physical perfection has changed completely – and I finally feel confident, secure, and, yes, sexy.” 
At the end of the book there is “Honest Details” with guides to help find the resources pulled together.  There are many charts, websites, references, blogs, and companies in easy to find form. There is also a chapter by chapter reference and index. I really appreciate this detail since I don’t just want to take one persons word for it. Plus, it’s nice to have valid data when sharing information.
It’s a must buy book. Not one to just rent from the library like I have. You really need to use it as a reference, underline it and tag pages to come back to. A book that should have taken me a week to read took two because I had to keep jotting notes and looking at my household item. I really appreciate that she’s not just plugging “Honest Company.” It’s very realistic instead of oppressive. Doesn’t focus on what you can’t do, but what you can.

Monday, June 3, 2013

A New Week

Reading Now
Last week is over! Here is one lady who is thankful for Monday and a new work week. I know, it's crazy to say that.

I am reading a lot of material right now. Just finished The Honest Life. A review is coming. In addition I have read over four grades of VBS Bible lessons, facebook statuses, blogs, pinterest, newspaper, ingredients and tons of children's book.

Skinny Oats in a Jar
In the interest of my family's health, we have been walking with our family and friends. This is one of my favorite forms of exercise, because it doubles as socializing. What a great stress reliever! I also tried some new recipes. Made homemade red pepper hummus, proceeded to make a lettuce wrap with it, turkey, and a slice of pepper. One of the most delicious things I have put in my mouth lately. Tried this "refrigerator oatmeal." First one I tried was mocha, because I LOVE coffee. It was all I could do to get that down. I didn't give up tho. I tried a raspberry vanilla one this morning...couldn't get enough!

Stick with it this week. It' a new week! There's so much to read. If a health benefit doesn't work for you, try it differently before you throw it to the wayside.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Life as we thought we knew it...

There's loads of information to improve our lives. Sometimes, we get information overload. First, we need to figure out what is the most important to us. Then, we need to look at what is harming us the most. Last, we need to look at what is feasible for our families. It's important to incorporate these benefits without throwing our lives overboard, making us unable to follow through.

Lately, I have started incorporating just one thing each day that will make my family's life better. They don't even seem to notice! Do not let it upset the flow of your life. Make one choice that will improve you each day. What will you do today to make your life better?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Inspiration in Chaos

In the midst of all the chaos I find inspiration in many things and through many people. Yesterday, was the end of a journey, through a creation series for mothers. Exactly when I was grasping being a mother of two I found an avenue that encouraged me to take care of myself. While at "story time" with the kids I ran across the book The Honest Life: Living Naturally And True To You, by Jessica Alba. It has been an encouragement and will be my next Book Review.  It's challeging to be creative amongst the constant interuptions of children, but cheers to Maintaining Logic!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Cat Who Saw Red

After starting “The Cat Who” books in 1968 Lilian Jackson Braun took an eighteen year break from publishing. She resumed in 1968 with, “The Cat Who Saw Red.”   These novels follow Mr. Qwilleran and his Siamese Koko and Yum Yum. You will find an alarming mystery inside this cozy book.

Qwill, as he’s often called, is a charming amateur sleuth with a large mustache that twitches when he’s on to something. As a reporter for the Daily Fluxion, he’s currently on a new assignment to write a gourmet beat.  Ironically this happens just as he’s told by his doctor to lose 30 pounds.

His first story leads him to Maus Haus, a lawyer known for his culinary skill and eccentric boarding house. Qwill decides to take up residence in newly vacant #6 after finding that his old flame Joy is residing there. Along with his new move, he discovers an unsolved “suicide” from years past. While investigating the old, new questions start to arise. What happened to Joy’s cat? Where is Joy? What happened to Koko and Yum Yum?

The young houseboy, William, brings about questions of his own. Then he too disappears. Not only are people missing, Max Sorrel’s restaurant, the Golden Lamb Chop, is being sabotaged. Sorel, another boarder at Maus Haus, is concerned this could all be related.

These books have become so popular that, Robert Kaplow wrote, “The Cat Who Killed Lilian Jackson Braun,” in 2003. I recommend this cozy little mystery set in a nondescript city by Chicago. I feel a connection with the place Braun writes of, since I was born in that area. I also live in the same county the author did, as she resided in Tryon, NC. My plans are to enjoy the rest of the series.


I have decided that in order to maintain some sort of sanity in my life I need to continue doing the thing that I like to do outside of just being a mom. Don't get me wrong I love being a mom! I also don't want to forget that I am a person outside of that.

I cannot do all the things I used to do as a single person, nor would I want to. One thing that I miss is Saturday night fun! Whatever that may have been, I always tried to have something to do on Saturday night.

I am now stuck in the house with two children and my husband has maintained his Saturday night fun of attending the dirt track race. So I decided that I would find something I like and am able to and do on Saturday night. This has evolved into writing.

It is something I can leave and come back to in between runny noses, wiping butts and feeding children. Where some of the very brilliant ideas I was getting at may be lost, I can always write what is still on my mind.

I would also like to share the many articles, links and things I am interested in at the time with my friends. Plus I want to have them for myself. So I hope you enjoy this kind of online journal of me, trying to maintain my logic, or sound mind, or sanity as some might say.