Friday, August 23, 2013

Smoothie Ninja

Skinny Orange Dream Smoothie
I have become a smoothie Ninja! This Skinny Orange Dream Smoothie from Lose Weight By Eating is one of my new favorite smoothies. Have you ever had an Orange Julius? This is very similar and incorporates an entire orange. It calls for Almond Milk, but I have been drinking the Unsweetened Almond/Coconut Milk by Blue Diamond lately and I really enjoy it.  There are many types of smoothie makers that seem great and can do the job. I have been blessed to receive a Ninja Master Prep Pro from my Dad, for my birthday. The Ninja that I have is a blender, food processor and a chopper. I use all three pieces in one day. While looking on Google, I found them for a deal at Target. It you are looking for a good smoothie maker and versatile kitchen appliance I really recommend the Ninja. I did see the up up graded one and it made me drool. My friend Karen loves her Bullet and my Dad loves his Vitamix. Find one that works for you and start enjoying whole food, low calorie, smoothies with me.

Ninja Master Prep Pro
Not only have I tried a few wonderful recipes out there but I have been making my own whole food smoothies. My daughter loves them and it is a wonderful way for her to get her daily fruits and veggies. I like to put spinach and carrots in them. If you use dark berries then it masks the other colors and makes it easier for some to drink. We have put blueberries, strawberries, apples, raspberries and cherries in them. It all depends on what I have in the fridge at the time. I have found putting watermelon in it makes it a lot thinner without adding extra liquid. If you want it a little sweeter just add a packet of Truvia.

Blended Mocha Cappuccino by Lose Weight by Eating
While looking for smoothie recipes I came across a really good Blended Mocha Cappuccino recipe. It only has 122 calories compared to the 400 plus you would get at McDonald's. This has been my new favorite thing during the afternoon when my pot of coffee has gone cold. Yes, I love coffee. I've heard both negative and positive things about it. I choose to believe the positive :)

Skinny Green Tropical Smoothie
OK, so everyone is talking about the green smoothie. When I was a kid my Dad used to try to get me to drink something called barely green. That stuff is nasty! So, I have an aversion to drinking thing that are green. I finally found one that sounded delicious. The Skinny Green Tropical Smoothie, it is as good as the ingredients sounded. I have to warn you to either have someone to share it with or be prepared to have it for a meal. It is to good to save.

On a side note: Barely Green now makes a chocolate version that is delicious!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Esther "It's Tough Being A Woman" by Beth Moore

Life Way
This Bible Study by Beth Moore has taught me SO much! Yes, it is "Tough Being A Woman" but God can and will turn each one of those tables around for us. It's trust that turns it around. I love that this book deals with destiny so much. One thing I learned about destiny is: God will not fulfill your destiny without you but He can fulfill His destiny without us.

Did you know that the book of Esther, in the Bible, has the total absence of any reference to God. How weird is that! Since this book is only 10 chapters long, we were able to study almost a chapter a week. It was a wonderful 9 week study. Five days out of the week you have study time. Then, once a week we come together as a group of woman and listened to Beth give a study. She is a wonderful, animated, funny, down to earth speaker.

I have personally never done Bible Studies like these, until I was introduced to Beth in her study of James. I recommend this study of Esther. I haven't found a study of hers I didn't like.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Maintaining Logic: In Mind, Body & Soul

When I first started this blog I wanted to write reviews on books I've read.  That idea has fadded for me. My reading is so much more than a book. It's kind of a lifestyle. For one, I read so much more than just books.  For two, I just can't seem to put down the next book in a series in order to write that review. In the meantime, there are other things that I want to share. These things pertain to what I am cooking or making, spiritual aspects and other things that enrich my life.

I don't want to make this solely a cooking blog, I don't want to make it solely a religious blog and I don't want it to be just about books. So here you go, your going to get the whole Megillah. Food for the mind, body and soul.

Honestly; it takes all those to maintain logic around here. This may seem all over the place to you, but that is who I am. Throw in some ADHD and your in for a good time. :) Now that I have taken away the restraints, I have a lot to catch you up on.