Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Esther "It's Tough Being A Woman" by Beth Moore

Life Way
This Bible Study by Beth Moore has taught me SO much! Yes, it is "Tough Being A Woman" but God can and will turn each one of those tables around for us. It's trust that turns it around. I love that this book deals with destiny so much. One thing I learned about destiny is: God will not fulfill your destiny without you but He can fulfill His destiny without us.

Did you know that the book of Esther, in the Bible, has the total absence of any reference to God. How weird is that! Since this book is only 10 chapters long, we were able to study almost a chapter a week. It was a wonderful 9 week study. Five days out of the week you have study time. Then, once a week we come together as a group of woman and listened to Beth give a study. She is a wonderful, animated, funny, down to earth speaker.

I have personally never done Bible Studies like these, until I was introduced to Beth in her study of James. I recommend this study of Esther. I haven't found a study of hers I didn't like.


  1. I agree Jessica, I have had the pleasure of doing three of the Beth Moore studies now and would jump on the chance to do another.

  2. Have you done Daniel? We are doing that one next and would love to have you come do it with us.
